Vine Vera on Makeup Trends for Winter – VineVera Reviews

Vine-Vera-Winter-Makeup-TipsWhat’s more fun than sipping hot chocolate by the fire, or watching Holiday movies on repeat? Winter cosmetic and makeup trends, of course!

Winter makeup trends are officially here, and with the latest trends comes some vintage inspired looks, as well as neutral color schemes and other exciting new concepts. Vine Vera has uncovered the latest trends and would like to unveil them to our readers today.

70’s Inspired Hues

The look of the 70’s is back with a vengeance – at least, it is in terms of eye shadow palettes and lip colors. Funky browns of all shades, greys, and taupe colors are making a huge comeback – and the bolder, the better with this look. Pair a neutral brown and even a metallic highlighter, such as a pearl color, together for the eyes, and accent with berry or brown lip colors. Bronzer is also a plus this winter season as it looks fabulous to give your skin the glow it’s lost due to the season change.

Bigger Brows and Lashes

Bigger eyebrows are the new thing, and longer, thicker eye lashes are also very much trending. Whether you opt for using a great mascara that enables your lashes to look more lush and plump, such as Benefit’s ‘They’re Real’ Mascara, or Younique’s 3D Fiber Lashes, or even opt for a good pair of falsies – bigger is definitely better this season. To give your eyebrows a thicker appearance, in case you are one of the many women with thin brows or sparse brows, simply obtain a good eyebrow powder and gel, and if you aren’t certain of your hand being as steady as it should, there are stencils which could help you achieve the thicker brow look you are going for. Be sure to keep the eyebrow powder shade equivalent to or darker than the current color of your hair. Never go lighter, or it can make you look washed out.

Glowing, Luminous Skin

Fresh faced and luminous is the look for your overall facial skin this season. Ramp up your glowing look by using a good cleanser and moisturizer, and you might even want to opt for diamond or gold infused products to help get the luminescent glow you desire. A highlighting powder can get the job done in a pinch. Be sure to use a laminating foundation, whether it be cream based or liquid, to give your cheeks and eye area the glow they need.

Neon Eyeliner

Neon eyeliner shades or electric hues are also very much in this winter. Give your eyes a bright pop of color and draw the attention to your eye area by using a daring color such as neon blue, neon pink, purples, and even neon greens. The brighter, the better. You can pair neon colors with vibrantly contrasting eye shadow colors and a bright lip color that is in season to give yourself a truly trendy look.

Don’t be afraid to try something new and daring, and experiment with new looks and colors. Have fun while doing it – after all, application is half the fun!

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