Touchably Soft Legs for Winter

Winter time is fast approaching, and with it comes snow, holiday shopping, and the unfortunate bout of dry skin. Not to fear, as Vine Vera is here to show you how you can eliminate your dry skin troubles and have touchably soft legs all winter long.

Woman applying moisturizer to her legs form a big tub of lotion

Moisturize Daily

Daily moisturizing is extremely important when it comes to winter skin care. Whether it’s your face, arms, elbows, or legs, ensuring you consistently moisturize your skin on a daily basis will ward off any bouts of dry skin and alleviate any ongoing dry skin issued you may currently be facing. Invest in a good quality skin moisturizer to use all over your body morning and night, and also a good quality moisturizer formulated especially for your face.


Rehydrate from Within

Drinking more water every day will ensure you receive the moisture your body longs for during the cold, dry winter months. The recommended daily value of water intake is 8-12 glasses; however during the winter months, drinking more water will ensure you have healthy, problem free skin throughout the winter.


Pay Special Attention to your Legs

Applying a salve to your legs at night before bed will ensure your skin gets the moisture it deserves throughout the night, and upon waking in the morning you will realize your legs are truly at their best. If you don’t have a salve to use, try using olive oil or coconut oil and applying like a lotion to deep moisturize.

girl shaving legs with shaver - body care concept

Shave with Care

When shaving, be sure to take your time to shave slowly and not rush through it, avoiding razor burn and causing dry, chaffed, or inflamed skin the opportunity to get any worse. Use a moisturizing shave gel, and apply lotion or moisturizing cream directly after your shower or bath while your legs are still damp. This will ensure your legs absorbs the emollients from the cream or lotion, and don’t have a chance to become dry.


Use Lukewarm Water

Although it may be difficult to adjust to, using lukewarm water in your bath or shower is one of the best things you can do to ward off dry skin. This definitely applies to the legs. Legs have a tendency to dry out faster than other parts of your body, due to the fact that this skin is generally more exposed and rubbed against by clothes, chairs, and other materials which can dry the skin out even further. Using lukewarm water helps in terms of not irritating problematic skin.

Vitamin E Caplets In A White Ramekin Dish, Set For Lunch

Vitamin E Supplements

Taking a vitamin E supplement is fantastic for healing, and also for the regeneration of new skin cells. Vitamin E is a major player in the development of new skin cell growth, and also helps to heal from the inside out, providing you with smooth, silky skin in as little as a week’s time.


Touchably Soft Legs All Winter Long

While there are many other aspects to attaining touchably soft legs for the winter, there are many other things you can do to ensure your legs stay smooth and silky all throughout the winter months. Educating yourself through internet research will turn you into a skin care pro on your own in no time. By taking care of your legs, your legs will take care of you.

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Filed under Beauty News & Tips

One response to “Touchably Soft Legs for Winter

  1. Reblogged this on Where Beauty, Fashion, and Cosmetics Come to Life and commented:
    With winter almost upon us, I thought I would write an article based around having touchably soft legs for winter. This article includes plenty of tips to have smooth, baby soft skin to keep your legs in top condition all winter long.

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